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diff --git a/buzzard/README b/buzzard/README
deleted file mode 100644
index e95ba91..0000000
--- a/buzzard/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-See http://www.ioccc.org/1992/
diff --git a/buzzard/buzzard.2.README b/buzzard/buzzard.2.README
deleted file mode 100644
index ee59a3b..0000000
--- a/buzzard/buzzard.2.README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-buzzard.2.README this file
-buzzard.2.design description of FIRST (design documentation of THIRD)
-third implementation of THIRD in FIRST
-help.th online listing of THIRD primitives
- FIRST demos: use 'first < {demo}'
-demo1.1st prints Hello World! assuming ASCII
- THIRD demos: use 'cat third {demo} | first'
-demo1.th prints Hello World! regardless of character set
-demo2.th demonstrates a simple loop
-demo3.th demonstrates a simple if test
-demo4.th recursive factorial calculating on the way up
-demo5.th recursive factorial calculating on the way down
-demo6.th demonstrates switching from compiler to execution mode
- Interactive THIRD: use 'cat third - | first'.
- To include the primitive on-line help, use
- 'cat third help.th - | first'.
diff --git a/buzzard/buzzard.2.c b/buzzard/buzzard.2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4765458..0000000
--- a/buzzard/buzzard.2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#define c m[m[0]++] =
-#define z;break;case
-char s[5000];
-int m[20000]={32},L=1,I,T[500],*S=T,t=64,w,f;
- c L;
- L= *m-1;
- c t;
- c x;
- scanf("%s",s+t);
- t+=strlen(s+t)+1;
- switch(m[x++]){
- z 5: for(w=scanf("%s",s)<1?exit(0),0:L;strcmp(s,&s[m[w+1]]);w=m[w]);
- w-1 ? r(w+2) : (c 2,c atoi(s))
- z 12: I=m[m[1]--]
- z 15: f=S[-f]
- z 1: c x
- z 9: f *=* S--
- z 7: m[f]= *S--;
- f= *S--
- z 0: *++S=f;
- f=m[I++]
- z 8: f= *S --- f
- z 2: m[++m[1]]=I;
- I=x
- z 11: f=0>f
- z 4: *m-=2;c 2
- z 6: f=m[f]
- z 10: f= *S--/f
- z 3: a(1);
- c 2
- z 13: putchar(f);
- f= *S--
- z 14: *++S=f;
- f=getchar();
- }
- a(3);
- a(4);
- a(1);
- w= *m;
- c 5;
- c 2;
- I= *m;
- c w;
- c I-1;
- for(w=6;w<16;)
- a(1),c w++;
- m[1]= *m;
- for(*m+=512;;r(m[I++]));
diff --git a/buzzard/buzzard.2.design b/buzzard/buzzard.2.design
deleted file mode 100644
index 49b2e2d..0000000
--- a/buzzard/buzzard.2.design
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
- almost FORTH
- FORTH is a language mostly familiar to users of "small" machines.
-FORTH programs are small because they are interpreted--a function
-call in FORTH takes two bytes. FORTH is an extendable language--
-built-in primitives are indistinguishable from user-defined
-_words_. FORTH interpreters are small because much of the system
-can be coded in FORTH--only a small number of primitives need to
-be implemented. Some FORTH interpreters can also compile defined
-words into machine code, resulting in a fast system.
- FIRST is an incredibly small language which is sufficient for
-defining the language THIRD, which is mostly like FORTH. There are
-some differences, and THIRD is probably just enough like FORTH for
-those differences to be disturbing to regular FORTH users.
- The only existing FIRST interpreter is written in obfuscated C,
-and rings in at under 800 bytes of source code, although through
-deletion of whitespace and unobfuscation it can be brought to about
-650 bytes.
- This document FIRST defines the FIRST environment and primitives,
-with relevent design decision explanations. It secondly documents
-the general strategies we will use to implement THIRD. The THIRD
-section demonstrates how the complete THIRD system is built up
-using FIRST.
-Section 1: FIRST
- FIRST implements a virtual machine. The machine has three chunks
-of memory: "main memory", "the stack", and "string storage". When
-the virtual machine wishes to do random memory accesses, they come
-out of main memory--it cannot access the stack or string storage.
- The stack is simply a standard LIFO data structure that is used
-implicitly by most of the FIRST primitives. The stack is made up
-of ints, whatever size they are on the host machine.
- String storage is used to store the names of built-in and defined
-primitives. Separate storage is used for these because it allows
-the C code to use C string operations, reducing C source code size.
- Main memory is a large array of ints. When we speak of
-addresses, we actually mean indices into main memory. Main memory
-is used for two things, primarily: the return stack and the dictionary.
- The return stack is a LIFO data structure, independent of
-the abovementioned "the stack", which is used by FIRST to keep
-track of function call return addresses.
- The dictionary is a list of words. Each word contains a header
-and a data field. In the header is the address of the previous word,
-an index into the string storage indicating where the name of this
-word is stored, and a "code pointer". The code pointer is simply
-an integer which names which "machine-language-primitive" implements
-this instruction. For example, for defined words the code pointer
-names the "run some code" primitive, which pushes the current program
-counter onto the return stack and sets the counter to the address of
-the data field for this word.
- There are several important pointers into main memory. There is
-a pointer to the most recently defined word, which is used to start
-searches back through memory when compiling words. There is a pointer
-to the top of the return stack. There is a pointer to the current
-end of the dictionary, used while compiling.
- For the last two pointers, namely the return stack pointer and
-the dictionary pointer, there is an important distinction: the pointers
-themselves are stored in main memory (in FIRST's main memory). This
-is critical, because it means FIRST programs can get at them without
-any further primitives needing to be defined.
- There are two kinds of FIRST instructions, normal instructions and
-immediate instructions. Immediate instructions do something significant
-when they are used. Normal instructions compile a pointer to their
-executable part onto the end of the dictionary. As we will see, this
-means that by default FIRST simply compiles things.
- Integer Operations
-Symbol Name Function
- - binary minus pop top 2 elements of stack, subtract, push
- * multiply pop top 2 elements of stack, multiply, push
- / divide pop top 2 elements of stack, divide, push
- <0 less than 0 pop top element of stack, push 1 if < 0 else 0
-Note that we can synthesize addition and negation from binary minus,
-but we cannot synthesize a time efficient divide or multiply from it.
-<0 is synthesizable, but only nonportably.
- Memory Operations
-Symbol Name Function
- @ fetch pop top of stack, treat as address to push contents of
- ! store top of stack is address, 2nd is value; store to memory
- and pop both off the stack
- Input/Output Operations
-Name Function
-echo output top of stack through C's putchar()
-key push C's getchar() onto top of stack
-_read read a space-delimited word, find it in the
- dictionary, and compile a pointer to
- that word's code pointer onto the
- current end of the dictionary
-Although _read could be synthesized from key, we need _read to be able
-to compile words to be able to start any syntheses.
- Execution Operations
-Name Function
-exit leave the current function: pop the return stack
- into the program counter
- Immediate (compilation) Operations
-Symbol Name Function
- : define read in the next space-delimited word, add it to
- the end of our string storage, and generate
- a header for the new word so that when it
- is typed it compiles a pointer to itself
- so that it can be executed.
-immediate immediate when used immediately after a name following a ':',
- makes the word being defined run whenever
- it is typed.
-: cannot be synthesized, because we could not synthesize anything.
-immediate has to be an immediate operation, so it could not be
-synthesized unless by default operations were immediate; but that
-would preclude our being able to do any useful compilation.
- Stack Operations
-Name Function
-pick pop top of stack, use as index into stack and copy up
- that element
-If the data stack were stored in main memory, we could synthesize pick;
-but putting the stack and stack pointer in main memory would significantly
-increase the C source code size.
- There are three more primitives, but they are "internal only"--
-they have no names and no dictionary entries. The first is
-"pushint". It takes the next integer out of the instruction stream
-and pushes it on the stack. This could be synthesized, but probably
-not without using integer constants. It is generated by _read when
-the input is not a known word. The second is "compile me". When
-this instruction is executed, a pointer to the word's data field is
-appended to the dictionary. The third is "run me"--the word's data
-field is taken to be a stream of pointers to words, and is executed.
- One last note about the environment: FIRST builds a very small
-word internally that it executes as its main loop. This word calls
-_read and then calls itself. Each time it calls itself, it uses
-up a word on the return stack, so it will eventually trash things.
-This is discussed some more in section 2.
-Here's a handy summary of all the FIRST words:
- - * / binary integer operations on the stack
- <0 is top of stack less than 0?
- @ ! read from or write to memory
- echo key output or input one character
- _read read a word from input and compile a pointer to it
- exit stop running the current function
- : compile the header of a definition
- immediate modify the header to create an immediate word
- Here is a sample FIRST program. I'm assuming you're using
-the ASCII character set. FIRST does not depend upon ASCII, but
-since FIRST has no syntax for character constants, one normally has
-to use decimal values. This can be gotten around using getchar, though.
-Oh. One other odd thing. FIRST initially builds its symbol table
-by calling : several times, so it needs to get the names of the base
-symbols as its first 13 words of input. You could even name them
-differently if you wanted.
- These FIRST programs have FORTH comments in them: they are contained
-inside parentheses. FIRST programs cannot have FORTH comments; but I need
-some device to indicate what's going on. (THIRD programs are an entirely
-different subject.)
- ( Our first line gives the symbols for the built-ins )
-: immediate _read @ ! - * / <0 exit echo key _pick
- ( now we define a simple word that will print out a couple characters )
-: L ( define a word named 'L' )
- 108 echo ( output an ascii 'l' )
- exit
-: hello ( define a word named 'hello')
- 72 echo ( output an ascii 'H' )
- 101 echo ( output an ascii 'e' )
- 111 ( push ascii 'o' onto the stack )
- L L ( output two ascii 'l's )
- echo ( output the 'o' we pushed on the stack before )
- 10 echo ( print a newline )
- exit ( stop running this routine )
-: test immediate ( define a word named 'test' that runs whenever typed )
- hello ( call hello )
- exit
-( The result of running this program should be:
-Section 2: Motivating THIRD
- What is missing from FIRST? There are a large number of
-important primitives that aren't implemented, but which are
-easy to implement. drop , which throws away the top of the
-stack, can be implemented as { 0 * + } -- that is, multiply
-the top of the stack by 0 (which turns the top of the stack
-into a 0), and then add the top two elements of the stack.
- dup , which copies the top of the stack, can be easily
-implemented using temporary storage locations. Conveniently,
-FIRST leaves memory locations 3, 4, and 5 unused. So we can
-implement dup by writing the top of stack into 3, and then
-reading it out twice: { 3 ! 3 @ 3 @ }.
- we will never use the FIRST primitive 'pick' in building THIRD,
-just to show that it can be done; 'pick' is only provided because
-pick itself cannot be built out of the rest of FIRST's building
- So, instead of worrying about stack primitives and the
-like, what else is missing from FIRST? We get recursion, but
-no control flow--no conditional operations. We cannot at the
-moment write a looping routine which terminates.
- Another glaring dissimilarity between FIRST and FORTH is
-that there is no "command mode"--you cannot be outside of a
-: definition and issue some straight commands to be executed.
-Also, as we noted above, we cannot do comments.
- FORTH also provides a system for defining new data types,
-using the words [in one version of FORTH] <builds and does> .
-We would like to implement these words as well.
- As the highest priority thing, we will build control flow
-structures first. Once we have control structures, we can
-write recursive routines that terminate, and we are ready to
-tackle tasks like parsing, and the building of a command mode.
- By the way, location 0 holds the dictionary pointer, location
-1 holds the return stack pointer, and location 2 should always
-be 0--it's a fake dictionary entry that means "pushint".
-Section 3: Building THIRD
- In this section, I'm going to keep my conversation
- indented to this depth, rather than using fake comments--
- because we'll have real comments eventually.
- The first thing we have to do is give the symbols for our
- built-ins.
-: immediate _read @ ! - * / < exit echo key _pick
- Next we want to be mildly self commenting, so we define
- the word 'r' to push the *address of the return stack
- pointer* onto the stack--NOT the value of the return
- stack pointer. (In fact, when we run r, the value of
- the return stack pointer is temporarily changed.)
-: r 1 exit
- Next, we're currently executing a short loop that contains
- _read and recursion, which is slowly blowing up the return
- stack. So let's define a new word, from which you can
- never return. What it does is drops the top value off
- the return stack, calls _read, then calls itself. Because
- it kills the top of the return stack, it can recurse
- indefinitely.
-: ]
- r @ Get the value of the return stack pointer
- 1 - Subtract one
- r ! Store it back into the return stack pointer
- _read Read and compile one word
- ] Start over
- Notice that we don't need to exit, since we never come
- back. Also, it's possible that an immediate word may
- get run during _read, and that _read will never return!
- Now let's get compile running.
-: main immediate ]
- Next off, I'm going to do this the easy but non-portable
- way, and put some character constant definitions in.
- I wanted them at the top of the file, but that would have
- burned too much of the return stack.
-: '"' 34 exit
-: ')' 41 exit
-: '\n' 10 exit
-: 'space' 32 exit
-: '0' 48 exit
-: '-' 45 exit
-: cr '\n' echo exit
- Next, we want to define some temporary variables for
- locations 3, 4, and 5, since this'll make our code look
- clearer.
-: _x 3 @ exit
-: _x! 3 ! exit
-: _y 4 @ exit
-: _y! 4 ! exit
- Ok. Now, we want to make THIRD look vaguely like FORTH,
- so we're going to define ';'. What ; ought to do is
- terminate a compilation, and turn control over to the
- command-mode handler. We don't have one, so all we want
- ';' to do for now is compile 'exit' at the end of the
- current word. To do this we'll need several other words.
- Swap by writing out the top two elements into temps, and
- then reading them back in the other order.
-: swap _x! _y! _x _y exit
- Take another look and make sure you see why that works,
- since it LOOKS like I'm reading them back in the same
- order--in fact, it not only looks like it, but I AM!
- Addition might be nice to have. To add, we need to
- negate the top element of the stack, and then subtract.
- To negate, we subtract from 0.
-: +
- 0 swap -
- -
- exit
- Create a copy of the top of stack
-: dup _x! _x _x exit
- Get a mnemonic name for our dictionary pointer--we need
- to compile stuff, so it goes through this.
-: h 0 exit
- We're going to need to advance that pointer, so let's
- make a generic pointer-advancing function.
- Given a pointer to a memory location, increment the value
- at that memory location.
-: inc
- dup @ Get another copy of the address, and get the value
- so now we have value, address on top of stack.
- 1 + Add one to the value
- swap Swap to put the address on top of the stack
- ! exit Write it to memory
- , is a standard FORTH word. It should write the top of
- stack into the dictionary, and advance the pointer
-: ,
- h @ Get the value of the dictionary pointer
- ! Write the top of stack there
- h inc And increment the dictionary pointer
- exit
- ' is a standard FORTH word. It should push the address
- of the word that follows it onto the stack. We could
- do this by making ' immediate, but then it'd need to
- parse the next word. Instead, we compile the next word
- as normal. When ' is executed, the top of the return
- stack will point into the instruction stream immediately
- after the ' . We push the word there, and advance the
- return stack pointer so that we don't execute it.
-: '
- r @ Get the address of the top of return stack
- We currently have a pointer to the top of return stack
- @ Get the value from there
- We currently have a pointer to the instruction stream
- dup Get another copy of it--the bottom copy will stick
- around until the end of this word
- 1 + Increment the pointer, pointing to the NEXT instruction
- r @ ! Write it back onto the top of the return stack
- We currently have our first copy of the old pointer
- to the instruction stream
- @ Get the value there--the address of the "next word"
- exit
- Now we're set. ; should be an immediate word that pushes
- the address of exit onto the stack, then writes it out.
-: ; immediate
- ' exit Get the address of exit
- , Compile it
- exit And we should return
- Now let's test out ; by defining a useful word:
-: drop 0 * + ;
- Since we have 'inc', we ought to make 'dec':
-: dec dup @ 1 - swap ! ;
- Our next goal, now that we have ;, is to implement
- if-then. To do this, we'll need to play fast and
- loose with the return stack, so let's make some
- words to save us some effort.
- First we want a word that pops off the top of the normal
- stack and pushes it on top of the return stack. We'll
- call this 'tor', for TO-Return-stack. It sounds easy,
- but when tor is running, there's an extra value on the
- return stack--tor's return address! So we have to pop
- that off first... We better just bite the bullet and
- code it out--but we can't really break it into smaller
- words, because that'll trash the return stack.
-: tor
- r @ @ Get the value off the top of the return stack
- swap Bring the value to be pushed to the top of stack
- r @ ! Write it over the current top of return stack
- r @ 1 + r ! Increment the return stack pointer--but can't use inc
- r @ ! Store our return address back on the return stack
- Next we want the opposite routine, which pops the top
- of the return stack, and puts it on the normal stack.
-: fromr
- r @ @ Save old value
- r @ 1 - r ! Decrement pointer
- r @ @ Get value that we want off
- swap Bring return address to top
- r @ ! Store it and return
- Now, if we have a routine that's recursing, and we
- want to be polite about the return stack, right before
- we recurse we can run { fromr drop } so the stack won't
- blow up. This means, though, that the first time we
- enter this recursive routine, we blow our *real* return
- address--so when we're done, we'll return up two levels.
- To save a little, we make 'tail' mean { fromr drop };
- however, it's more complex since there's a new value on
- top of the return stack.
-: tail fromr fromr drop tor ;
- Now, we want to do 'if'. To do this, we need to convert
- values to boolean values. The next few words set this
- up.
- minus gives us unary negation.
-: minus 0 swap - ;
- If top of stack is boolean, bnot gives us inverse
-: bnot 1 swap - ;
- To compare two numbers, subtract and compare to 0.
-: < - <0 ;
- logical turns the top of stack into either 0 or 1.
-: logical
- dup Get two copies of it
- 0 < 1 if < 0, 0 otherwise
- swap minus Swap number back up, and take negative
- 0 < 1 if original was > 0, 0 otherwise
- + Add them up--has to be 0 or 1!
- not returns 1 if top of stack is 0, and 0 otherwise
-: not logical bnot ;
- We can test equality by subtracting and comparing to 0.
-: = - not ;
- Just to show how you compute a branch: Suppose you've
- compiled a call to branch, and immediately after it is
- an integer constant with the offset of how far to branch.
- To branch, we use the return stack to read the offset, and
- add that on to the top of the return stack, and return.
-: branch
- r @ Address of top of return stack
- @ Our return address
- @ Value from there: the branch offset
- r @ @ Our return address again
- + The address we want to execute at
- r @ ! Store it back onto the return stack
- For conditional branches, we want to branch by a certain
- amount if true, otherwise we want to skip over the branch
- offset constant--that is, branch by one. Assuming that
- the top of the stack is the branch offset, and the second
- on the stack is 1 if we should branch, and 0 if not, the
- following computes the correct branch offset.
-: computebranch 1 - * 1 + ;
- Branch if the value on top of the stack is 0.
-: notbranch
- not
- r @ @ @ Get the branch offset
- computebranch Adjust as necessary
- r @ @ + Calculate the new address
- r @ ! Store it
- here is a standard FORTH word which returns a pointer to
- the current dictionary address--that is, the value of
- the dictionary pointer.
-: here h @ ;
- We're ALL SET to compile if...else...then constructs!
- Here's what we do. When we get 'if', we compile a call
- to notbranch, and then compile a dummy offset, because
- we don't know where the 'then' will be. On the *stack*
- we leave the address where we compiled the dummy offset.
- 'then' will calculate the offset and fill it in for us.
-: if immediate
- ' notbranch , Compile notbranch
- here Save the current dictionary address
- 0 , Compile a dummy value
- then expects the address to fixup to be on the stack.
-: then immediate
- dup Make another copy of the address
- here Find the current location, where to branch to
- swap - Calculate the difference between them
- swap ! Bring the address to the top, and store it.
- Now that we can do if...then statements, we can do
- some parsing! Let's introduce real FORTH comments.
- find-) will scan the input until it finds a ), and
- exit.
-: find-)
- key Read in a character
- ')' = Compare it to close parentheses
- not if If it's not equal
- tail find-) repeat (popping R stack)
- then Otherwise branch here and exit
-: ( immediate
- find-)
-( we should be able to do FORTH-style comments now )
-( now that we've got comments, we can comment the rest of the code
- in a legitimate [self parsing] fashion. Note that you can't
- nest parentheses... )
-: else immediate
- ' branch , ( compile a definite branch )
- here ( push the backpatching address )
- 0 , ( compile a dummy offset for branch )
- swap ( bring old backpatch address to top )
- dup here swap - ( calculate the offset from old address )
- swap ! ( put the address on top and store it )
-: over _x! _y! _y _x _y ;
-: add
- _x! ( save the pointer in a temp variable )
- _x @ ( get the value pointed to )
- + ( add the incremement from on top of the stack )
- _x ! ( and save it )
-: allot h add ;
-: maybebranch
- logical ( force the TOS to be 0 or 1 )
- r @ @ @ ( load the branch offset )
- computebranch ( calculate the condition offset [either TOS or 1])
- r @ @ + ( add it to the return address )
- r @ ! ( store it to our return address and return )
-: mod _x! _y! ( get x then y off of stack )
- _y _y _x / _x * ( y - y / x * x )
- -
-: printnum
- dup
- 10 mod '0' +
- swap 10 / dup
- if
- printnum
- echo
- else
- drop
- echo
- then
-: .
- dup 0 <
- if
- '-' echo minus
- then
- printnum
- 'space' echo
-: debugprint dup . cr ;
-( the following routine takes a pointer to a string, and prints it,
- except for the trailing quote. returns a pointer to the next word
- after the trailing quote )
-: _print
- dup 1 +
- swap @
- dup '"' =
- if
- drop exit
- then
- echo
- tail _print
-: print _print ;
- ( print the next thing from the instruction stream )
-: immprint
- r @ @
- print
- r @ !
-: find-"
- key dup ,
- '"' =
- if
- exit
- then
- tail find-"
-: " immediate
- key drop
- ' immprint ,
- find-"
-: do immediate
- ' swap , ( compile 'swap' to swap the limit and start )
- ' tor , ( compile to push the limit onto the return stack )
- ' tor , ( compile to push the start on the return stack )
- here ( save this address so we can branch back to it )
-: i r @ 1 - @ ;
-: j r @ 3 - @ ;
-: > swap < ;
-: <= 1 + < ;
-: >= swap <= ;
-: inci
- r @ 1 - ( get the pointer to i )
- inc ( add one to it )
- r @ 1 - @ ( find the value again )
- r @ 2 - @ ( find the limit value )
- <=
- if
- r @ @ @ r @ @ + r @ ! exit ( branch )
- then
- fromr 1 +
- fromr drop
- fromr drop
- tor
-: loop immediate ' inci @ here - , ;
-: loopexit
- fromr drop ( pop off our return address )
- fromr drop ( pop off i )
- fromr drop ( pop off the limit of i )
-; ( and return to the caller's caller routine )
-: execute
- 8 !
- ' exit 9 !
- 8 tor
-: :: ; ( :: is going to be a word that does ':' at runtime )
-: fix-:: immediate 3 ' :: ! ;
- ( Override old definition of ':' with a new one that invokes ] )
-: : immediate :: ] ;
-: command
- here 5 ! ( store dict pointer in temp variable )
- _read ( compile a word )
- ( if we get control back: )
- here 5 @
- = if
- tail command ( we didn't compile anything )
- then
- here 1 - h ! ( decrement the dictionary pointer )
- here 5 @ ( get the original value )
- = if
- here @ ( get the word that was compiled )
- execute ( and run it )
- else
- here @ ( else it was an integer constant, so push it )
- here 1 - h ! ( and decrement the dictionary pointer again )
- then
- tail command
-: make-immediate ( make a word just compiled immediate )
- here 1 - ( back up a word in the dictionary )
- dup dup ( save the pointer to here )
- h ! ( store as the current dictionary pointer )
- @ ( get the run-time code pointer )
- swap ( get the dict pointer again )
- 1 - ( point to the compile-time code pointer )
- ! ( write run-time code pointer on compile-time pointer )
-: <build immediate
- make-immediate ( make the word compiled so far immediate )
- ' :: , ( compile '::', so we read next word )
- 2 , ( compile 'pushint' )
- here 0 , ( write out a 0 but save address for does> )
- ' , , ( compile a push that address onto dictionary )
-: does> immediate
- ' command , ( jump back into command mode at runtime )
- here swap ! ( backpatch the build> to point to here )
- 2 , ( compile run-code primitive so we look like a word )
- ' fromr , ( compile fromr, which leaves var address on stack )
-: _dump ( dump out the definition of a word, sort of )
- dup " (" . " , "
- dup @ ( save the pointer and get the contents )
- dup ' exit
- = if
- " ;)" cr exit
- then
- . " ), "
- 1 +
- tail _dump
-: dump _dump ;
-: # . cr ;
-: var <build , does> ;
-: constant <build , does> @ ;
-: array <build allot does> + ;
-: [ immediate command ;
-: _welcome " Welcome to THIRD.
-" ;
-: ; immediate ' exit , command exit
diff --git a/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint b/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint
deleted file mode 100644
index b0fe22b..0000000
--- a/buzzard/buzzard.2.hint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Best Language Tool:
- Sean Barrett
- Software Construction Company
- 430 Southwest Parkway, #1906
- College Station, TX 77840
-Judges' comments:
- First:
- make first
- Second:
- echo help | cat third help.th - | first
- cat third demo5.th | first
- Third:
- cat third help.th - | first
- Wait until Ok is printed and the type:
- 2 3 + . cr <-- yes you should really type the 2 letters: cr
- Forth:
- Sorry, this is third!
-Selected notes from the author:
- What it does:
- first implements a relatively primitive stack machine. How
- primitive? It supplies 13 visible primitives: 3 arithmetic,
- 1 comparison, 2 memory-access, 2 character I/O, 3 primitives
- for defining new words, 1 tokenizing, and 1 special stack
- operation. (There are also three internal operations for
- the stack machine: 'push this integer', 'call this code',
- and 'compile a call to this code'.)
- It is very difficult to accomplish anything with this set
- of primitives, but they do have an interesting property.
- This--what this interesting property is, or in other words
- what first is good for--is the major obfuscation; there are
- also minor source obfuscations, as well as some design tricks
- that are effectively obfuscations. Details on the obfuscations
- are below, and the interesting property is discussed much
- further down.
- How to run it:
- first expects you to first enter the names of the 13 primitives,
- separated by whitespace--it doesn't care what you name them, but
- if all the names aren't unique, you won't be able to use some of
- them. After this you may type any sequence of valid first input.
- Valid first input is defined as any sequence of whitespace-delimited
- tokens which consist of primitives, new words you've defined, and
- integers (as parsed by "%d"). Invalid input behaves unpredictably,
- but gives no warning messages. A sample program, demo1.1st, is
- included, but it only works on ASCII systems.
- Do not expect to be able to do anything interesting with first.
- To do something interesting, you need to feed first the file
- third first. In unix, you can do
- % cat third help.th - | first
- to do this. Hopefully most operating systems will provide a
- way to do this. It may take some time for this to complete
- (I seem to remember it taking several minutes on an 8086 PC);
- THIRD will prompt you when it is finished. The file third has
- not been obfuscated, due to sheer kindness on the author's part.
- For more information on what you can do once you've piped
- THIRD into first, type 'help' and consult FORTH manuals for
- further reference. Six sample THIRD programs are included
- in the files demo[1-6].th. buzzard.2.README has more
- information.
- Keep in mind that you are still running first, and
- are for the most part limited by first's tokenizer
- (notably, unknown words will attempt to be parsed as
- integers.) It is possible to build a new parser that
- parses by hand, reading a single character at a time;
- however, such a parser cannot easily use the existing
- dictionary, and so would have to implement its own,
- thus requiring reimplementing all of first and third
- a second time--I did not care to tackle this project.
- Compiling:
- first is reasonably portable. You may need to adjust the
- size of the buffers on smaller machines; m[] needs to be
- at least 2000 long, though.
- I say first is portable mainly because it uses native types.
- Unlike FORTH, which traditionally allows byte and multi-byte
- operations, all operations are performed on C 'int's. That
- means first code is only as portable as the same code would
- be in C. As in C, the result of dividing -1 by 2 is machine
- (or rather compiler) dependent.
- How is first obfuscated?
- first is obfuscated in several ways. Some minor obfuscations
- like &w[&m[1]][s] for s+m[w+1] were in the original source
- but are no longer because, apparently, ANSI doesn't allow it
- (gcc -ansi -pedantic doesn't mind it, though.)
- Other related obfuscations are still present. The top of the
- stack is cached in a variable, which increases performance
- massively if the compiler can figure out to keep it in a register;
- it also obfuscates the code. (Unfortunately, the top of stack
- is a global variable and neither gcc nor most bundled compilers
- seem to register allocate it.)
- More significant are the design obfuscations. m[0] is the
- "dictionary pointer", used when compiling words, and m[1] is
- the return stack index. Both are used as integer offsets into
- m. Both are kept in m, instead of as separate pointers,
- because they are then accessible to first programs, which is a
- crucial property of first. Similarly the way words are stored
- in the dictionary is not obvious, so it can be difficult to
- follow exactly what the compiler words are doing.
- Assuming you've waded through all that, you still have
- to penetrate the most significant obfuscation. Traditionally,
- the question is whether a reader can answer the question "what
- will this do when I run it". A reader who has deciphered first
- to this point may think they know the answer to this question,
- but they may not know the answer to the more important question,
- "what will this program do when given the right input?" FORTH
- afficianados, and especially FORTH implementors, may recognize
- the similarity of the internal compiler format to many FORTH
- interal representations, and, being aware that FORTH interpreters
- can often by self-compiling, may be suspicious that this program
- can compile FORTH, or a significant subset of it, or at least be
- capable of doing so if fed the right input. Of course, the name
- "THIRD" should be a dead giveaway, if the name "first" wasn't.
- (These numbers were largely chosed because they were five letters
- long, like "FORTH", and would not require truncation to five
- letters, which would be a dead giveaway. Besides, THIRD represents
- a step backwards, in more ways than one.)
- What exactly is first, then?
- first is a tiny interpreter which implements a sufficient
- pseudo-subset of FORTH to allow it to bootstrap a relatively
- complete version of FORTH (based loosely on forth79), which
- I call THIRD. Complete relative to what, I'm not sure.
- I believe first is close to the smallest amount of code possible
- to get this effect *using forth-style primitives*, and still have
- some efficiency (it is possible to get by without multiplication
- if you have addition, obviously). In the design file, design,
- I give a justification for why each primitive in first was included.
- THIRD is sorta slow, because first has so few primitives that
- many things that are primitives in FORTH (like swap) take a
- significant amount of time in THIRD.
- When you get the 'Ok.' message from third, try out some sample
- FORTH code (first has no way of knowing if keyboard input is
- waiting, so it can't actually prompt you in a normal way. It
- only prints 'Ok.' after you define a word).
- 2 3 + . cr ( add 2 and 3, and print it and a newline.)
- and THIRD responds
- 5
- Now try:
- : test 11 1 do i . loop cr ;
- test
- and THIRD responds
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- When in THIRD, you can see how much space you're currently
- using by typing
- here .
- The number THIRD replies is the number of machine words (ints)
- that the dictionary (the first code) takes up, plus the
- 512 ints for the return stack. If you compile the basic
- THIRD system without the help word (strings take up one
- int per character in the string!), you should find that
- you're using around 1000 ints (plus the return stack).
- Thus THIRD gives you a relatively complete FORTH system in
- less than 700 chars of C source + about 1000 ints of
- memory--and it's portable too (you could copy over the
- THIRD memory dump to another machine, in theory). If the
- above numbers seem to you to be mixing apples and oranges
- (C source and compiled THIRD code), note that you should
- in theory be able to stick the compiled THIRD code into
- the C source.
- Software Construction Company gets credit for rekindling
- my interest in FORTH and thus indirectly inspiring me
- to write this program.
-Copyright (c) 1992, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel.
-All Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is
-granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety
-and remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in writing
-from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel.
diff --git a/buzzard/buzzard.2.orig.c b/buzzard/buzzard.2.orig.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f77ab1..0000000
--- a/buzzard/buzzard.2.orig.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#define c 0 [m] ++ [m] =
-#define z;break;case
-char s[5000];
-int m[20000]={32},L=1,I,T[500],*S=T,t=64,w,f;
- c L;
- L= *m-1;
- c t;
- c x;
- scanf("%s",s+t);
- t+=strlen(s+t)+1;
- switch(x++[m]){
- z 5: for(w=scanf("%s",s)<1?exit(0):L;strcmp(s,&w[&m[1]][s]);w=m[w]);
- w-1 ? r(w+2) : (c 2,c atoi(s))
- z 12: I=1[m]--[m]
- z 15: f=S[-f]
- z 1: c x
- z 9: f *=* S--
- z 7: m[f]= *S--;
- f= *S--
- z 0: *++S=f;
- f=I++[m]
- z 8: f= *S --- f
- z 2: m[++1[m]]=I;
- I=x
- z 11: f=0>f
- z 4: *m-=2;c 2
- z 6: f=f[m]
- z 10: f= *S--/f
- z 3: a(1);
- c 2
- z 13: putchar(f);
- f= *S--
- z 14: *++S=f;
- f=getchar();
- }
- a(3);
- a(4);
- a(1);
- w= *m;
- c 5;
- c 2;
- I= *m;
- c w;
- c I-1;
- for(w=6;w<16;)
- a(1),c w++;
- m[1]= *m;
- for(*m+=512;;r(m[I++]));
diff --git a/buzzard/demo1.1st b/buzzard/demo1.1st
deleted file mode 100644
index b836967..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo1.1st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-: immediate _read @ ! - * / <0 exit echo key _pick
-: show echo echo echo echo exit
-: all show show show show echo exit
-: doit immediate
- 10 33 100 108 114 111 87
- 32 111 108 108 101 72
- all
diff --git a/buzzard/demo1.th b/buzzard/demo1.th
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d22bd..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo1.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-: demo1 " Hello world!
-" ;
diff --git a/buzzard/demo2.th b/buzzard/demo2.th
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf8eee..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo2.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-: demo2
- 10 0 ( iterate from 0 stopping before 10 )
- do
- i . ( print the loop counter )
- loop
- cr ( add a newline )
diff --git a/buzzard/demo3.th b/buzzard/demo3.th
deleted file mode 100644
index c061b74..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo3.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-: printfour
- dup ( save the number on top of the stack )
- 4 = ( compare it to four )
- if
- " forth " ( output a string for it )
- drop ( and delete the saved value )
- else
- .
- endif
-: demo3 10 0 do i printfour loop cr ;
diff --git a/buzzard/demo4.th b/buzzard/demo4.th
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9a76d..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo4.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-( compute factorial recursively )
-( take x as input, return x! and x as output )
-: fact-help
- dup if
- 1 - ( leave x-1 on top )
- fact-help ( leave x-1, [x-1]! )
- 1 + ( leave x, [x-1]!, x )
- swap over swap ( leave [x-1]!, x, x )
- * ( into x!, x )
- swap ( into x, x! )
- else
- 1 swap
- then
-: fact
- fact-help
- drop
-: demo4
- " 4 factorial is: " 4 fact . cr
- " 6 factorial is: " 6 fact . cr
diff --git a/buzzard/demo5.th b/buzzard/demo5.th
deleted file mode 100644
index d16ca1e..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo5.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-( recursive factorial. given x on top, followed by )
-( an "accumulator" containing the product except for x! )
-: fact-help2
- dup if
- swap over swap
- *
- swap 1 -
- fact-help2
- then
-: fact
- 1 swap
- fact-help2
- drop
-: demo5
- " The factorial of 3 is: " 3 fact . cr
- " The factorial of 5 is: " 5 fact . cr
diff --git a/buzzard/demo6.th b/buzzard/demo6.th
deleted file mode 100644
index 75ec667..0000000
--- a/buzzard/demo6.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-: foobar
- 2
- [ 2 , ( '[' turns the compiler off, allowing us to execute code )
- 1 1 1 + + , ( and we compile in-line a 2 and a three )
- ( the '2' means 'push the number following this' )
- ]
- + . cr
-: 'foobar ' foobar ; ( ' can only be run inside the compiler )
- ( ' leaves the address of the following word
- on the stack )
-'foobar . cr
-'foobar dump
diff --git a/buzzard/help.th b/buzzard/help.th
deleted file mode 100644
index 7afab27..0000000
--- a/buzzard/help.th
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-: help key ( flush the carriage return form the input buffer )
-" The following are the standard known words; words marked with (*) are
-immediate words, which cannot be used from command mode, but only in
-word definitions. Words marked by (**) declare new words, so are always
-followed by the new word.
- ! @ fetch, store
- + - * / mod standard arithmetic operations
- = < > <= >= standard comparison operations
- not boolean not of top of stack
- logical turn top of stack into 0 or 1
- dup over duplicate the top of stack or second of stack
- swap drop reverse top two elements or drop topmost
- inc dec increment/decrement the value at address from stack
- add add a value from 2nd of stack into address from top
- echo key output character from, or input to, top of stack
- . # print out number on top of stack without/with cr
- cr print a carriage return
-[more]" key
-" (**) var declare variable with initial value taken from stack
-(**) constant declare constant with initial value taken from stack
-(**) array declare an array with size taken from stack
-(*) if...else...then FORTH branching construct
-(*) do...loop FORTH looping construct
- i j loop values (not variables)
- print print the string pointed to on screen
-(*)(**) : declare a new THIRD word
-(*) <build does> declare a data types compile-time and run-time
-(*) ; terminate a word definition
-[more]" key
-" Advanced words:
- here current location in dictionary
- h pointer into dictionary
- r pointer to return stack
- fromr tor pop a value from or to the return stack
- , write the top of stack to dictionary
- ' store the address of the following word on the stack
- allot leave space on the dictionary
- :: compile a ':' header
- [ switch into command mode
- ] continue doing : definitions
-" ;
diff --git a/buzzard/third b/buzzard/third
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d3802..0000000
--- a/buzzard/third
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-: immediate _read @ ! - * / <0 exit echo key _pick
-: debug immediate 1 5 ! exit
-: r 1 exit
-: ] r @ 1 - r ! _read ]
-: _main immediate r @ 7 ! ]
-: _x 3 @ exit
-: _y 4 @ exit
-: _x! 3 ! exit
-: _y! 4 ! exit
-: swap _x! _y! _x _y exit
-: + 0 swap - - exit
-: dup _x! _x _x exit
-: inc dup @ 1 + swap ! exit
-: h 0 exit
-: , h @ ! h inc exit
-: ' r @ @ dup 1 + r @ ! @ exit
-: ; immediate ' exit , exit
-: drop 0 * + ;
-: dec dup @ 1 - swap ! ;
-: tor r @ @ swap r @ ! r @ 1 + r ! r @ ! ;
-: fromr r @ @ r @ 1 - r ! r @ @ swap r @ ! ;
-: tail fromr fromr drop tor ;
-: minus 0 swap - ;
-: bnot 1 swap - ;
-: < - <0 ;
-: logical dup 0 < swap minus 0 < + ;
-: not logical bnot ;
-: = - not ;
-: branch r @ @ @ r @ @ + r @ ! ;
-: computebranch 1 - * 1 + ;
-: notbranch
- not
- r @ @ @
- computebranch
- r @ @ +
- r @ !
-: here h @ ;
-: if immediate ' notbranch , here 0 , ;
-: then immediate dup here swap - swap ! ;
-: ')' 0 ;
-: _fix key drop key swap 2 + ! ;
-: fix-')' immediate ' ')' _fix ;
-fix-')' )
-: find-) key ')' = not if tail find-) then ;
-: ( immediate find-) ;
-( we should be able to do FORTH-style comments now )
-( this works as follows: ( is an immediate word, so it gets
- control during compilation. Then it simply reads in characters
- until it sees a close parenthesis. once it does, it exits.
- if not, it pops off the return stack--manual tail recursion. )
-( now that we've got comments, we can comment the rest of the code! )
-: else immediate
- ' branch , ( compile a definite branch )
- here ( push the backpatching address )
- 0 , ( compile a dummy offset for branch )
- swap ( bring old backpatch address to top )
- dup here swap - ( calculate the offset from old address )
- swap ! ( put the address on top and store it )
-: over _x! _y! _y _x _y ;
-: add
- _x! ( save the pointer in a temp variable )
- _x @ ( get the value pointed to )
- + ( add the incremement from on top of the stack )
- _x ! ( and save it )
-: allot h add ;
-: maybebranch
- logical ( force the TOS to be 0 or 1 )
- r @ @ @ ( load the branch offset )
- computebranch ( calculate the condition offset [either TOS or 1])
- r @ @ + ( add it to the return address )
- r @ ! ( store it to our return address and return )
-: mod _x! _y! ( get x then y off of stack )
- _y
- _y _x / _x * ( y - y / x * x )
- -
-: '\n' 0 ;
-: '"' 0 ;
-: '0' 0 ;
-: 'space' 0 ;
-: fix-'\n' immediate ' '\n' _fix ;
-: fix-'"' immediate ' '"' _fix ;
-: fix-'0' immediate ' '0' _fix ;
-: fix-'space' immediate ' 'space' _fix ;
-fix-'0' 0 fix-'space' fix-'"' "
-: cr '\n' echo exit
-: printnum
- dup
- 10 mod '0' +
- swap 10 / dup
- if
- printnum 0
- then
- drop echo
-: .
- dup 0 <
- if
- 45 echo minus
- then
- printnum
- 'space' echo
-: debugprint dup . cr ;
-( the following routine takes a pointer to a string, and prints it,
- except for the trailing quote. returns a pointer to the next word
- after the trailing quote )
-: _print
- dup 1 +
- swap @
- dup '"' =
- if
- drop exit
- then
- echo
- tail _print
-: print _print ;
- ( print the next thing from the instruction stream )
-: immprint
- r @ @
- print
- r @ !
-: find-"
- key dup ,
- '"' =
- if
- exit
- then
- tail find-"
-: " immediate
- key drop
- ' immprint ,
- find-"
-: do immediate
- ' swap , ( compile 'swap' to swap the limit and start )
- ' tor , ( compile to push the limit onto the return stack )
- ' tor , ( compile to push the start on the return stack )
- here ( save this address so we can branch back to it )
-: i r @ 1 - @ ;
-: j r @ 3 - @ ;
-: > swap < ;
-: <= 1 + < ;
-: >= swap <= ;
-: inci
- r @ 1 - ( get the pointer to i )
- inc ( add one to it )
- r @ 1 - @ ( find the value again )
- r @ 2 - @ ( find the limit value )
- <
- if
- r @ @ @ r @ @ + r @ ! exit ( branch )
- then
- fromr 1 +
- fromr drop
- fromr drop
- tor
-: loop immediate ' inci , here - , ;
-: loopexit
- fromr drop ( pop off our return address )
- fromr drop ( pop off i )
- fromr drop ( pop off the limit of i )
-; ( and return to the caller's caller routine )
-: isprime
- dup 2 = if
- exit
- then
- dup 2 / 2 ( loop from 2 to n/2 )
- do
- dup ( value we're checking if it's prime )
- i mod ( mod it by divisor )
- not if
- drop 0 loopexit ( exit from routine from inside loop )
- then
- loop
-: primes
- " The primes from "
- dup .
- " to "
- over .
- " are:"
- cr
- do
- i isprime
- if
- i . 'space' echo
- then
- loop
- cr
-: execute
- 8 !
- ' exit 9 !
- 8 tor
-: :: ; ( :: is going to be a word that does ':' at runtime )
-: fix-:: immediate 3 ' :: ! ;
- ( Override old definition of ':' with a new one that invokes ] )
-: : immediate :: ] ;
-: command
- here 5 ! ( store dict pointer in temp variable )
- _read ( compile a word )
- ( if we get control back: )
- here 5 @
- = if
- tail command ( we didn't compile anything )
- then
- here 1 - h ! ( decrement the dictionary pointer )
- here 5 @ ( get the original value )
- = if
- here @ ( get the word that was compiled )
- execute ( and run it )
- else
- here @ ( else it was an integer constant, so push it )
- here 1 - h ! ( and decrement the dictionary pointer again )
- then
- tail command
-: make-immediate ( make a word just compiled immediate )
- here 1 - ( back up a word in the dictionary )
- dup dup ( save the pointer to here )
- h ! ( store as the current dictionary pointer )
- @ ( get the run-time code pointer )
- swap ( get the dict pointer again )
- 1 - ( point to the compile-time code pointer )
- ! ( write run-time code pointer on compile-time pointer )
-: <build immediate
- make-immediate ( make the word compiled so far immediate )
- ' :: , ( compile '::', so we read next word )
- 2 , ( compile 'pushint' )
- here 0 , ( write out a 0 but save address for does> )
- ' , , ( compile a push that address onto dictionary )
-: does> immediate
- ' command , ( jump back into command mode at runtime )
- here swap ! ( backpatch the build> to point to here )
- 2 , ( compile run-code primitive so we look like a word )
- ' fromr , ( compile fromr, which leaves var address on stack )
-: _dump ( dump out the definition of a word, sort of )
- dup " (" . " , "
- dup @ ( save the pointer and get the contents )
- dup ' exit
- = if
- " ;)" cr exit
- then
- . " ), "
- 1 +
- tail _dump
-: dump _dump ;
-: # . cr ;
-: var <build , does> ;
-: constant <build , does> @ ;
-: array <build allot does> + ;
-: [ immediate command ;
-: _welcome " Welcome to THIRD.
-" ;
-: ; immediate ' exit , command exit