path: root/lib/CSTA-application-context-information-csta3.asn1
diff options
authorDimitri Sokolyuk <>2015-10-23 17:01:36 +0200
committerDimitri Sokolyuk <>2015-10-23 17:01:36 +0200
commitea6feea9b530a4c9419cad77d268b1649ec0f0f9 (patch)
tree8ecdc8f82d6eefa4aa3f14bd88c20fc6ec6e5bfe /lib/CSTA-application-context-information-csta3.asn1
parent4dcaf2a66a69eff4afeb24bccda039561a0028bc (diff)
Resort files
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CSTA-application-context-information-csta3.asn1')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CSTA-application-context-information-csta3.asn1 b/lib/CSTA-application-context-information-csta3.asn1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d37977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CSTA-application-context-information-csta3.asn1
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ { iso( 1) identified-organization( 3) icd-ecma( 12)
+ standard( 0) csta3( 285) application-context-information( 200) }
+CSTAFunctionality ::= SEQUENCE
+ {switchingFunctionServices [0] IMPLICIT SwitchingFunctionServicesC2 DEFAULT {},
+ eventReportServices [1] IMPLICIT EventReportServicesC2 DEFAULT {},
+ computingFunctionServices [2] IMPLICIT ComputingFunctionServicesC2 DEFAULT {},
+ bidirectionalServices [3] IMPLICIT BidirectionalServicesC2 DEFAULT {},
+ statusReportingServices [4] IMPLICIT StatusReportingServicesC2 DEFAULT {},
+ inputOutputServices [5] IMPLICIT InputOutputServicesC2 DEFAULT {},
+ voiceUnitServices [6] IMPLICIT VoiceUnitServicesC2 DEFAULT {} }
+SwitchingFunctionServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {alternateCall (0),
+ answerCall (1),
+ associateData (2),
+ callCompletion (3),
+ clearCall (4),
+ clearConnection (5),
+ conferenceCall (6),
+ consultationCall (7),
+ divertCall (8),
+ holdCall (9),
+ makeCall (10),
+ makePredictiveCall (11),
+ parkCall (12),
+ queryDevice (13),
+ reconnectCall (14),
+ retrieveCall (15),
+ sendDTMFTones (16),
+ setFeature (17),
+ singleStepConference (18),
+ singleStepTransfer (19),
+ transferCall (20) }
+EventReportServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {
+ -- Call events
+ callCleared (0),
+ conferenced (1),
+ connectionCleared (2),
+ delivered (3),
+ diverted (4),
+ established (5),
+ failed (6),
+ held (7),
+ networkReached (8),
+ originated (9),
+ queued (10),
+ retrieved (11),
+ serviceInitiated (12),
+ transferred (13),
+ -- Feature events
+ autoAnswer (14),
+ callInformation (15),
+ doNotDisturb (16),
+ forwarding (17),
+ messageWaiting (18),
+ microphoneMute (19),
+ speakerMute (20),
+ speakerVolume (21),
+ -- Agent state events
+ agentBusy (22),
+ loggedOn (23),
+ loggedOff (24),
+ notReady (25),
+ ready (26),
+ workingAfterCall (27),
+ -- Maintenance events
+ backInService (28),
+ outOfServiceEvent (29),
+ -- Private events
+ privateEvent (30),
+ -- Voice unit events
+ playEvent (31),
+ recordEvent (32),
+ reviewEvent (33),
+ stopEvent (34),
+ suspendPlayEvent (35),
+ suspendRecordEvent (36),
+ voiceAttributesChangeEvent (37) }
+ComputingFunctionServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {routeRequest (0),
+ reRouteRequest (1),
+ routeSelectRequest (2),
+ routeUsedRequest (3),
+ routeEndRequest (4) }
+BidirectionalServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {escapeService (0),
+ systemStatus (1) }
+StatusReportingServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {monitorStart (0),
+ changeMonitorFilter (1),
+ monitorStop (2),
+ snapshotDevice (3),
+ snapshotCall (4) }
+InputOutputServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {startDataPathService (0),
+ stopDataPathService (1),
+ sendDataService (2),
+ sendMulticastDataService (3),
+ sendBroadcastDataService (4),
+ suspendDataPathService (5),
+ dataPathSuspendedService (6),
+ resumeDataPath (7),
+ dataPathResumedService (8),
+ fastData (9) }
+VoiceUnitServicesC2 ::= BIT STRING
+ {concatenateMessage (0),
+ deleteMessage (1),
+ playMessage (2),
+ queryVoiceAttribute (3),
+ recordMessage (4),
+ reposition (5),
+ resume (6),
+ review (7),
+ setVoiceAttribute (8),
+ stop (9),
+ suspend (10),
+ synthesizeMessage (11) }
+ACSEUserInformationForCSTA ::= CHOICE
+{ oldDefinition OldACSEUserInformationForCSTA,
+ newDefinition [0] IMPLICIT NewACSEUserInformationForCSTA }
+OldACSEUserInformationForCSTA ::= SEQUENCE
+{ cSTAVersion CSTAVersion,
+ cSTAFunctionsRequiredByApplication CSTAFunctionality,
+ cSTAFunctionsThatCanBeSupplied CSTAFunctionality }
+NewACSEUserInformationForCSTA ::= SEQUENCE
+{ cSTAVersion CSTAVersion,
+-- Note that the following two parameters are defined in ECMA-218 (CSTA Phase II).
+-- They are defined in the context of CSTA Phase II Services and Events for
+-- backward compatibility considerations.
+-- For CSTA Phase III (and later), implementations should use CSTA Capability Exchange Services
+-- to determine the Services and Events supported by a switching function.
+ cSTAFunctionsRequiredByApplication [0] IMPLICIT CSTAFunctionality OPTIONAL,
+ cSTAFunctionsThatCanBeSupplied [1] IMPLICIT CSTAFunctionality OPTIONAL,
+ cSTAPrivateDataVersionList [2] IMPLICIT CSTAPrivateDataVersionList OPTIONAL }
+CSTAPrivateDataVersionList ::= SEQUENCE OF INTEGER
+{ versionOne ( 0), -- ECMA-180
+ versionTwo ( 1), -- ECMA-218
+ versionThree ( 2), -- ECMA-285, 1st Edition
+ versionFour ( 3), -- ISO/IEC 18052
+ versionFive ( 4), -- ECMA-285, 2nd Edition
+ versionSix ( 5), -- ECMA-323
+ versionSeven ( 6), -- ECMA-323, 2nd Edition
+ versionEight ( 7), -- ECMA-323, 3rd Edition
+ versionNine ( 8), -- ECMA-323, 4th Edition, Tag option
+ versionTen ( 9), -- ECMA-323, 4th Edition, short Tag option
+ versionEleven (10), -- ECMA-323, 4th Edition, dynamic transformation option
+ versionTwelve (11), -- ECMA-323, 5th Edition, Tag option
+ versionThirteen (12), -- ECMA-323, 5th Edition, short Tag option
+ versionFourteen (13), -- ECMA-323, 5th Edition, dynamic transformation option
+ versionFifteen (14), -- ECMA-285, 3rd Edition
+ versionSixteen (15), -- ECMA-323, 6th Edition, Tag option
+ versionSeventeen (16), -- ECMA-323, 6th Edition, short Tag option
+ versionEighteen (17), -- ECMA-323, 6th Edition, dynamic transformation option
+ versionNineteen (18), -- ECMA-285, 4th Edition
+ versionTwenty (19), -- Reserved for future use
+ versionTwentyone (20), -- Reserved for future use
+ versionTwentytwo (21), -- Reserved for future use
+ versionTwentythree (22), -- Reserved for future use
+ versionTwentyfour (23) } -- Reserved for future use
+CallControlServices ::= BIT STRING
+{ acceptCall ( 0),
+ alternateCall ( 1),
+ answerCall ( 2),
+ callBack ( 3),
+ callBackMessage ( 4),
+ campOnCall ( 5),
+ clearCall ( 6),
+ clearConnection ( 7),
+ conferenceCall ( 8),
+ consultationCall ( 9),
+ deflectCall (10),
+ dialDigits (11),
+ directedPickupCall (12),
+ groupPickupCall (13),
+ holdCall (14),
+ intrudeCall (15),
+ joinCall (16),
+ makeCall (17),
+ makeConnection (25),
+ makePredictiveCall (18),
+ parkCall (19),
+ reconnectCall (20),
+ retrieveCall (21),
+ sendMessage (26),
+ singleStepConference (22),
+ singleStepTransfer (23),
+ transferCall (24) }
+CallAssociatedServices ::= BIT STRING
+{ associateData ( 0),
+ cancelTelephonyTones ( 1),
+ changeConnectionInformation ( 5),
+ generateDigits ( 2),
+ generateTelephonyTones ( 3),
+ sendUserInformation ( 4) }
+MediaAttachmentServices ::= BIT STRING
+{ attachMediaService ( 0),
+ detachMediaService ( 1) }
+RouteingServices ::= BIT STRING
+{ routeRegister ( 0),
+ routeRegisterCancel ( 1),
+ routeRegisterAbort ( 2),
+ reroute ( 3),
+ routeEnd ( 4),
+ routeReject ( 5),
+ routeRequest ( 6),
+ routeSelect ( 7),
+ routeUsed ( 8) }
+VoiceUnitServices ::= BIT STRING
+{ activate (12),
+ clear (13),
+ concatenateMessage ( 0),
+ deactivate (14),
+ deleteMessage ( 1),
+ playMessage ( 2),
+ queryVoiceAttribute ( 3),
+ recordMessage ( 4),
+ reposition ( 5),
+ resume ( 6),
+ review ( 7),
+ setVoiceAttribute ( 8),
+ stop ( 9),
+ suspend (10),
+ synthesizeMessage (11) }
+LocationServices ::= BIT STRING
+{ getLocationInformation ( 0),
+ setLocationInformation ( 1),
+ locationTrackkingSessionResumed ( 2),
+ locationTrackkingSessionSuspended ( 3),
+ resumeLocationTrackingSession ( 4),
+ locationInformationReport ( 5),
+ startLocationTrackingSession ( 6),
+ stopLocationTrackingSession ( 7),
+ suspendLocationTrackingCapabilities ( 8),
+ locationSessionInfo ( 9) }
+CallControlEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ bridged (15),
+ callCleared ( 0),
+ conferenced ( 1),
+ connectionCleared ( 2),
+ delivered ( 3),
+ digitsDialed (14),
+ diverted ( 4),
+ established ( 5),
+ failed ( 6),
+ held ( 7),
+ networkCapabilitiesChanged (16),
+ networkReached ( 8),
+ offered (17),
+ originated ( 9),
+ queued (10),
+ retrieved (11),
+ serviceInitiated (12),
+ transferred (13) }
+CallAssociatedEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ callInformation ( 0),
+ charging ( 1),
+ dTMFDigitsDetected ( 2),
+ telephonyTonesDetected ( 3),
+ serviceCompletionFailure ( 4) }
+MediaAttachmentEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ mediaAttached ( 0),
+ mediaDetached ( 1) }
+PhysicalDeviceFeatureEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ buttonInformation ( 0),
+ buttonPress ( 1),
+ displayUpdated ( 2),
+ hookswitch ( 3),
+ lampMode ( 4),
+ messageWaiting ( 5),
+ microphoneGain ( 6),
+ microphoneMute ( 7),
+ ringerStatus ( 8),
+ speakerMute ( 9),
+ speakerVolume (10) }
+LogicalDeviceFeatureEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ agentBusy ( 0),
+ agentLoggedOn ( 1),
+ agentLoggedOff ( 2),
+ agentNotReady ( 3),
+ agentReady ( 4),
+ agentWorkingAfterCall ( 5),
+ autoAnswer ( 6),
+ autoWorkMode ( 7),
+ callBack ( 8),
+ callBackMessage ( 9),
+ callerIDStatus (10),
+ doNotDisturb (11),
+ forwarding (12),
+ presenceState (14),
+ routeingMode (13) }
+DeviceMaintenanceEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ backInService ( 0),
+ deviceCapabilityChanged ( 2),
+ outOfService ( 1),
+ partiallyInService ( 3) }
+VoiceUnitEvents ::= BIT STRING
+{ bookmarkReached ( 7),
+ completed ( 8),
+ dtmfDetected ( 9),
+ emptied (10),
+ interruptionDetected (11),
+ notRecognized (12),
+ play ( 1),
+ recognized (13),
+ record ( 3),
+ review ( 5),
+ started (14),
+ silenceTimeoutExpired (15),
+ speechDetected (16),
+ stop ( 0),
+ suspendPlay ( 2),
+ suspendRecord ( 4),
+ voiceAttributesChange ( 6),
+ voiceErrorOccured (17) }
+VendorSpecEvents::= BIT STRING
+{ privateEvent (0) }
+END -- of CSTA-application-context-information-csta3